
News – September 03, 2015

Tipiliuke in Eddie Bauer´s catalog

Once again this prestigious outdoor wear company has chosen Tipiliuke for their new Sport Shop catalog.
The esteemed members of the Eddie Bauer guides team have had the honor of sharing Tipiliuke with president Jimmy Carter. 2015

...'Argentina’s Tipiliuke Lodge draws sportsmen for the idyllic combination of five-star shooting and some of the finest fly fishing on the planet. Owned and operated by John Burrell’s High Adventure Company, the sportsmen’s paradise sits on historic ranchlands founded in 1909 by the de Larminat family. It is a location and a lodge combination that has not only earned awards such as the Sporting Classics Award of Excellenceand Anglers Choice Lodge of the Year but also drawn famous celebrities from President Carter and Sandra Day O’Conner to Jack Nicklaus, Nick Faldo, Mark Knopfler, and the Sheik of Dubai . Eddie Bauer Sport Shop guides John Burrell and Michael Pepi journeyed to this coveted zone in Northern Patagonia to hunt for wild quail as well as log some time stalking trout on the Chimehuin River. The character of the quail hunting in the remote river valley was exceptional due to an incredible number of wild quail. “Argentina became famous in wing shooting circles for its high volume dove and duck hunting,” explains Burrell. “But the quail hunting in Patagonia is much different. It is not high volume shooting but rather classic wild quail hunting for a meticulously managed resource...”

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